November 03, 2010

Genital Warts and Removing Them

There are many types of sexually transmitted disease and infections, but not all of them are dangerous and fatal to those afflicted by them. While AIDS which carries the association when the dreaded HIV consequence is not really one that is entirely and solely transmitted via sexual intercourse, but it remains very much the first and foremost in everyone's mind as the most dangerous. On the other scale in terms of the least dangerous but carrying the same level of stigma would be that of condyloma, or the more better known and oft repeated nomenclature of genital warts. It is definitely not something that is pretty, with a disconcerting growth that is soft and fleshy at the same time, growing in the most private corners of your body. Those afflicted would be on the look out for some effective genital wart cures to rid these growth.  It may not be that dangerous but it is definitely not something that anyone would want to have around.

Seeking genital wart cures are not something that is so easy to do however. This is mainly because of the fact that it is an infection that is transmitted through direct bodily contact between somebody who is already infected. In other words, you can only get genital warts from having sexual intercourse with someone whose cleanliness and sexual activities are suspect at best. Being monogamous in nature, or at the very least, adhering to safe sex practices as best as possible if you cannot (or - for some people – do not want to or will not) keep yourself to a single partner at prolonged periods of time are amongst the best protection against contracting such infections and avoiding getting the somewhat disconcertingly disgusting growth.

Confirming that it is indeed a genital warts infection is an exercise in visual detection. Swabbing the fine growth with acetic acid such as vinegar will produce a whitish appearance of the warts. The emphasis on the genital warts being not that dangerous an infection is somewhat diffused by the fact that is is a highly contagious sexually transmitted infection courtesy of a virus that goes by the name of human papilloma virus (HPV). Knowing how to get rid of genital warts start from this point onwards   and as long as this is done early on, you should be able to tackle and nip – pun intended – the fleshy growth at their buds. Knowing where you may have gotten it would also help you to avoid or even help the other afflicted person to get the necessary genital wart cures as otherwise the infection would likely to recur again and again.

What would be some of the available genital wart cures for those infected? Depending on the seriousness of the infection affecting the patient, and their (patients, not warts) gender, treatment could range from medication to surgery. The latter is probably to far more permanent solution to the infection that attacks both men and Genital warts infect both men and women alike, attacking with vigor the wet, moist and warm areas that are the genitalia. That's right, genital warts could be present on the penis, vagina, vulva and the anus of the person so infected.  With the growth occuring normally in groups, once they began to incubate (a process which takes a long nine months), treating it should be taken as a whole. If not treated however, the fleshy growth would accumulate into a large mass that would make tackling the infection even more difficult.

Genital wart remover comes either in the form of medications including anti wart cream which is applied directly to the infected areas. Some of the available medications include the chemical solution of podophyllin at 25% dilution, which takes a few hours to work on the infection. This solution is effective as it has good absorption characteristics but due care has to be applied if the patient is a women in her pregnancy as it could easily be absorbed into the blood stream via the skin. A far more direct method of genital wart remover is the freezing method using liquid nitrogen and then burning them with the electro desiccation technique. The latter would be the more effective method to be used on genital warts that are about to sprung but less so when it comes to the larger masses, which can only be treated with laser surgery, albeit at a premium cost.